Gym Rules of PALACE GYM Žilina

Clear Rules, Safe Workouts!
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Location: Žilina, Poľná 17/A

Introductory provisions
For the purposes of these operating rules, the terms used are interpreted as defined in the General Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Services at PALACE GYM (hereinafter referred to as the “GTC”), which form an integral part of the conditions for clients’ use of the provided Services.
1. Identification Details of the Facility Operator
MP Body Performance, s.r.o., registered office at Kragujevská 12, 010 01 Žilina, Company ID (IČO): 54 774 756, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the District Court of Žilina, Section Sro, File No. 80238/B.
2. Type and Method of Service Provision, Prohibited Actions in Service Use
2.1 The Operator provides services related to a healthy lifestyle, particularly gym services, fitness, cardio zone, group exercises, and other services. If the Operator provides Services at the facility that are subject to special conditions to be included in the operating rules, these are specified in Annex No. 1 of these operating rules (massages). The provision of Services means allowing clients to use selected Services of the Operator at the Facility or to access its Services in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Price List, these operating rules, and the GTC.
3. Facility Conditions and Health Protection Principles for Clients and Employees
3.1 The conditions for entry into the Facility and the provision of services are specified in Article 6 of the GTC.

3.2 The facility is structured as follows: entrance area, fitness zone, cardio zone, performance zone, massage room, sanitary facilities, showers, and changing rooms.

3.3 If the capacity of individual sections of the Facility is exceeded, the Operator is entitled to deny the Client entry until the capacity allows it. In this case, the Client has no claims against the Operator.

3.4 If the Client fails to provide proof of eligibility to use the Services in the manner required by the Facility, they are not entitled to enter the Facility.

3.5 The Client is obliged to use the equipment and tools in the Facility solely for their intended purpose. In case of doubts about their proper use, the Client must refrain from using them or consult a responsible person of the Operator regarding their proper use.

3.6 The Operator bears no responsibility for injuries or accidents caused by the Client’s own negligence or failure to comply with the Operating Rules, whether affecting themselves or others.

3.7 Clients use all Services in the Facility at their own risk.

4. Instructions, Restrictions, and Prohibitions for Clients
4.1 The Client is obliged to behave in a manner that does not disturb the comfort of other Clients, prevents damage to health and property, and does not in any way disrupt the operation of the Facility or the use of Services by other Clients.

4.2 The Operator is not responsible for damage to items brought into or stored in the Facility during the use of Services if they are stored outside the areas designated by the Operator. If the Client stores items in the designated areas that individually or collectively exceed a value of 100 EUR (valuable items), they must notify the responsible person of the Operator and store them in the valuables storage area designated in the Facility. Otherwise, the Operator is not responsible for any damage, theft, or depreciation exceeding this amount. The Operator’s liability for damages is further detailed in Article 9 of the GTC.

4.3 Lockers in the changing rooms, secured with a magnetic lock, are provided for storing items brought into the Facility during the use of Services (excluding valuables). The Client is responsible for securing the locker.

4.4 Upon departure, the Client must empty and leave the locker unlocked. If a locker or valuables storage remains locked after operating hours, the Operator has the right to open it. The Operator is not responsible for any damage or losses resulting from a failure to leave the locker or valuables storage empty and unlocked. The Operator will store items found in an opened locker for 15 days. When retrieving stored items, the Client must pay a handling fee of 5 EUR unless agreed otherwise. The Client must also sign a declaration confirming the receipt of their belongings.

4.5 Loss, theft, or damage of a magnetic lock or Palace Gym card is subject to a fee according to the valid Price List.

4.6 The Client is not entitled to claim any compensation from the Operator due to announced operational restrictions (such as sports, social, or other events) if they were informed upon entry.

4.7 The Operator reserves the right to suspend or limit the Facility’s operations in justified cases. This includes renting out part or all of the Facility, essential repairs, and maintenance that are incompatible with the safe and comfortable operation for members, as well as force majeure events (e.g., plumbing failures, water or electricity supply interruptions, mandatory closure due to a landlord or government order, flooding, etc.). In such cases, the Client is not entitled to compensation.

4.8 The Client must follow all guidelines and instructions from the Operator during their visit to the Facility.

4.9 Entry to the Facility is prohibited for:
a) Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs (assessment is at the sole discretion of the Operator or the responsible person).
b) Persons with animals.
c) Persons with visible signs of contagious or infectious diseases (assessment is at the discretion of the Operator, the responsible person, or an authorized representative) or those with open wounds, skin conditions, or any illness that could endanger the health of other Clients or damage the Facility’s property.
d) Persons intending to use the Facility for purposes other than its intended use (e.g., commercial or non-sporting activities) without the Operator’s permission.
e) Persons who do not comply with the obligations stated in the GTC or these Operating Rules.
f) Persons wearing dirty or foul-smelling clothing (assessment is at the discretion of the Operator or the responsible person).

4.10 For safety reasons, individuals who cannot move, dress, or undress independently must be accompanied by a person capable of assisting them in the changing rooms.

4.11 The following activities are strictly prohibited in the Facility:
a) Smoking.
b) Bringing and using glass objects (including bottles).
c) Photographing or filming individuals or groups without their consent. Commercial photography or filming for media requires written permission from the Operator.
d) Creating excessive noise or disturbing the comfort of other Clients.
e) Using sports or play equipment.
f) Using personal care products outside of shower areas.
g) Consuming food or drinks outside designated areas.
h) Tampering with the Facility’s technical equipment.
i) Jumping over turnstiles.
j) Requesting Services from the Operator that are not listed in the Price List or that contradict the purpose of the Facility.
k) Bringing and using weapons.
l) Storing bags, backpacks, or other items in open spaces such as exercise areas and aerobics rooms.
m) Using the aerobics hall outside of scheduled group classes or during private rentals.

4.12 The Client must:
– Maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the Facility and report any issues to the Operator or the responsible person.
– Immediately inform the Operator or responsible person of any sudden deterioration in health or observed health issues of other Clients.
– Handle the Facility’s equipment carefully and avoid damaging the premises or property.
– Wear clean and appropriate sportswear and footwear.
– Follow the Operator’s instructions.
– Return equipment to its designated place after use.
– Use a towel while exercising in the Facility.
– Clean machines and equipment after use.
– Store personal belongings (bags, backpacks) in the designated locker room lockers.

4.13 If the Client fails to comply with the obligations stated in the GTC or these Operating Rules, the Operator, through the responsible person or the on-duty trainer, may take action as per the GTC and request the Client to leave the Facility immediately without any entitlement to compensation.

4.14 A Client interested in personal training with a Trainer may request a contact or recommendation from the responsible person of the Operator.

4.15 An external trainer must pay an external training fee as agreed with the Operator, either on a monthly basis or per entry. If the responsible person of the Operator determines that a Client (acting as an external trainer) is visibly instructing (training) another person without being registered as a Trainer or External Trainer with a paid external training fee, the Operator may require the Client to pay the external training fee. This fee covers both the External Trainer’s personal training and their sessions with Clients in the Facility. External Trainers are not allowed to solicit Clients within the Facility.

4.16 Clients must use training equipment, weight machines, and other Facility equipment only for their intended purpose. They must ensure that their actions do not cause damage to the equipment or endanger their own or others’ health. The Operator is not responsible for injuries caused by the Client’s negligence, failure to consider their health condition, or non-compliance with the Operating Rules.

4.17 The Client participates in training sessions at the Operator’s Facility at their own risk. They declare that they are physically and mentally fit to exercise and will assess their current health condition before each workout, adjusting the type, intensity, load, and duration of the exercise accordingly.

5. Method and Frequency of Facility Cleaning
5.1 The cleaning of the Facility’s premises is carried out daily before the start of operations and continuously as needed. The cleaning of personal hygiene facilities, surface areas, and floors is performed throughout the day as required. Waste bins located in the Facility are emptied as needed.
6. Procedure for Mechanical Cleaning and Disinfection of Surface Areas and Facility Equipment
6.1 Disinfection, cleaning, tidying, and all activities related to hygiene and order throughout the Facility are carried out on a daily basis.
7. Method and Frequency of Cleaning Lighting Fixtures and Windows
7.1 Lighting fixtures and windows are protected from breakage by maintaining a sufficient distance and are cleaned as needed, but at least twice a year.

Attachemnt – 1

Supplement to the Operating Rules Regarding the Provision of Selected Services in Accordance with Decree No. 554/2007 Coll. of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
1. Type and Method of Service Provision, Health Contraindications, and Prohibited Actions in Service Use
Clients will be provided with massage services in accordance with the valid Price List, based on the offered types of massages.
Health Contraindications on the Client’s Side

Heart failure
Individuals with a pacemaker
All bleeding conditions
All febrile illnesses
Pregnancy, breastfeeding
Infectious skin diseases
Varicose veins
High blood pressure
Individuals with metal implants
Health Contraindications on the Masseur’s Side

Contagious skin diseases
Infectious respiratory diseases
Acute medical conditions
Prohibited Actions in Service Provision:

Manipulation of scars
Manipulation of birthmarks
Procedures on the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye
2. Facility Conditions, Health and Safety Principles for Clients, and Occupational Health and Safety Principles for Facility Employees
Hygienic and anti-epidemiological regulations and measures are strictly observed in the Facility. The Facility Manager is responsible for ensuring compliance with these measures and maintaining proper hygiene in the Facility. In particular, they implement measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of communicable diseases.

The Facility must be kept clean and orderly at all times. Clients are required to maintain personal hygiene. Disinfectants (minimum 70% alcohol-based) and foaming soap are available for their use.

Trainers providing customer service must adhere to personal hygiene regulations, specifically:
– Wearing clean work attire
– Washing hands with personal soap under running water (minimum 30 seconds) after serving each customer and using their own towel

The Facility is equipped with a sufficient quantity of cleaning and disinfecting agents, including:
– Surface disinfectants with bactericidal and virucidal properties (minimum 500ml per cleaning station)
– Hand sanitizers with at least 70% alcohol content (minimum 250ml per dispenser)
– Disposable paper towels and tissues (minimum one pack per station)

A first aid kit is located in a suitable and accessible place within the Facility. It is equipped in accordance with Decree No. 554/2007 Coll. of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic on the requirements for personal care facilities.

In the event of an injury to a masseur or Client, or if the Client experiences bleeding related to the service, the affected area must be immediately rinsed with water (at least 250ml) and disinfected. If hands come into contact with biological material, they must be washed and disinfected with a bactericidal and virucidal solution (e.g., Cutasept, minimum 50ml per use).

The Facility is well-stocked with cleaning and disinfecting agents, clean linens (minimum one set per Client), and disposable items as needed. Only health-safe cosmetic products from authorized distribution networks are permitted for use.
3. Instructions for Use of Equipment
In cases where equipment is used during the provision of Services, both the trainer and the Client are required to follow the instructions for use. The equipment instructions are available at the Facility. Health contraindications related to the use of these devices will be specified in the instruction manuals or attached as a separate document.
4. Procedure for Mechanical Cleaning, Disinfection, and Sterilization of Work Tools and Equipment, Including Surface Areas and Facility Furnishings
Wet mechanical cleaning and disinfection of work surfaces, floors, and personal hygiene facilities are performed daily after operating hours (from 22:00 to 06:00) and continuously during working hours as needed.

Surfaces of equipment that come into direct contact with the Client’s body must be cleaned and disinfected after each Client using an appropriate disinfectant.

Wet mechanical cleaning of washable wall surfaces and furniture must be carried out once a week.

When using disinfectants, the manufacturer’s instructions must be strictly followed, and expiration dates must be observed. If waste is generated during Client service, it must be disposed of immediately after each Client and collected in seal-able containers. Waste bins are emptied, cleaned, and disinfected daily.

Basic maintenance of all Facility coatings and painting must be performed at least once every two years.
5. Method of Storage and Handling of Linen
The Facility must maintain a sufficient supply of linen, adequate for the expected number of Clients. Each Client must be provided with clean linen.

During handling, there must be no contact or mix-up between clean and used linen.

Clean linen is stored in a closed cabinet in sufficient quantity.

Used linen is placed in a sealed laundry bin, which is removed daily for washing.

The Facility does not have designated areas for drying linen, so this activity is not carried out on-site.

Linen is washed in an external laundry facility.

Clean linen is transported in single-use plastic covers or plastic bags to maintain hygiene.
6. Method and Frequency of Facility Cleaning
The Facility is maintained in a clean and orderly condition. Disinfection of walls, floors, and equipment is carried out regularly—daily.

Disinfectants available from the distribution network are used. When using these products, the operating procedures specified in the manufacturer’s instructions must be followed.

Solid municipal waste (SMW) is collected in sealed and washable containers and disposed of daily.

Containers are cleaned and disinfected daily. Waste disposal is managed by TT Žilina.
7. Method of Waste Management, Disposal, Frequency of Emptying Waste Containers, and Their Cleaning and Disinfection
Solid municipal waste (SMW) is collected in sealed and washable containers and disposed of daily. Containers are cleaned and disinfected daily to maintain hygiene.

Wastewater is discharged into the public sewage system in accordance with applicable sanitary regulations.